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Can sleeping apart help your marriage?

Sleeping with your spouse could reduce your quality of sleep. Couples that sleep together reported frequently having their sleep disrupted by their partner.Blanket hogging, snoring, tossing and turning, sweating and other disturbances caused by one spouse may induce...

Divorce: How to protect yourself

The divorce rate of couples 50 and older has rapidly increased in recent years. This means that after 20 or 30 years of marriage, couples are now splitting finances. If you have been saving and investing together for so many years, dividing finances may be difficult....

Benefits of a postnuptial agreement

You may be most familiar with prenuptial agreements, but did you know there are also postnuptial agreements? Postnuptial agreements work similarly to prenuptial agreements, and couples can create one whether they’ve been married 10 days or 10 years. These...

What is alienation of affection?

An infidelity in a marriage can be a devastating event. The ripple effects can include separation or even divorce. Children can suffer as collateral damage if tension in the home rises or their parents begin to split custody.In some cases, you could even have legal...